Tuesday, 22 December 2015


December 22, 2015

Step 1: To connect your Twitter account and your Facebook profile:
  1.  Log in to the Twitter account you want to associate with your Facebook profile.
  2.  Go to your Settings menu's Apps tab.
  3.  Click Connect to Facebook.
  4.If you are not already logged in to Facebook, then you will be prompted to enter your Facebook login credentials.

Step 2:
Login your facebook account:
1.go to following url :

2.then click on  install Application:

3.then select your  page on which page you want to add twitter tab & then click on Add page tab:

4. then click on administrator panel & add your twitter username  &  click on save settings:

5:now you are ready to see your tweets on you facebook page:


Using Twitter lists:
A list is a curated group of Twitter users. You can create your own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the users on that list.
Note: Lists are used for reading Tweets only. You cannot send or direct a Tweet to members of a list, for only those list members to see.
To create a list:
1.             Go to your Lists page. This can be done via the profile icon drop down menu in the top right navigation bar or by going to your profile page and clicking on Lists.
2.             Click Create list.
3.             Enter the name of your list, a short description of the list, and select if you want the list to be private (only accessible to you) or public (anyone can subscribe to the list).
4.             Click Save list.
Note: List names cannot exceed 25 characters, nor can they begin with a number.
To add or remove people from your lists:
1.             Click the gear icon drop down menu on a user's profile. 
2.             Select Add or remove from lists. (You don't need to be following a user to add them to your list.)
3.             A pop-up will appear displaying your created lists. Check the lists you would like to add the user to, or uncheck the lists you'd like to remove the user from.
4.             To check to see if the user you wanted to add was successfully included in that list, navigate to the Lists tab on your profile page. Click the desired list, then  click Members. The person will appear in the list of members.
To see lists that you are on:
·     On your Lists page, click on Member of. This will show you what lists you are on.
To find a list's URL to share:
1.             Go to the list you'd like to share.
2.             Copy the URL that shows up in your browser's address bar. It will look something like this: https://twitter.com/username/lists/list_name
4.             Paste the URL into a message to anyone with whom you want to share the list.

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