Saturday, 24 June 2017

here are my top 10 reasons that you must start one today (before someone else beats you to it).

1.  Builds Thought Leadership

I have several LinkedIn groups.  One has more than 20,000 members, and around five of them have 5,000+ members.  Each group has (one of) my websites as the featured site for the group.  This is one of the first things people see when they join the group.  My name is also featured as the owner of the group.  Based off of perception alone, the owner is a thought leader for that groups niche (until proven otherwise).  The more you back this up with quality content, and positive group management, your community will support you and anoint you a leader in that niche.

2.  Connects A Thriving Community

People love to belong to a community, or a Tribe as Seth Godin puts it.  The more you are able to connect like-minded people together, the more they will appreciate you for doing so.  Create an opportunity for passionate people to come together because the leader that does this *usually* reaps the benefits.

3.  Drives Traffic To Your Site

Looking to drive traffic to your blog or company website?  Look no further, a LinkedIn group is a great way to do this.  Here are a few ways you can drive traffic to your site from your group:
  • Put your website link in the group profile
  • Add the site RSS feed to the News Section
  • Send a weekly message to you group, and include a niche related article from your site
  • Add your site in the group welcome message (more on this below)
  • Create a discussion and include your link

4.  Builds Personal Network

I get roughly 15-20 new invites to connect (as a 1st degree connection) every day.  Most of them come from my groups.  Why?  People love to connect with the community leader.  Since I run a number of “communities” within my LinkedIn groups, I am looked at as someone to connect with.  This is almost true for all group owners, they seem to rack up bonus points from starting the group, therefore having more connections than the average LinkedIn user.

5.  Sending Weekly Messages

This may be the most powerful feature within the groups.  A great example is Robert Flemming, who runs the eMarketing Association group on LinkedIn.  It has almost 200,000 members.  Instead of having to spend thousands of dollars each year on email marketing you could simply create a group, and send them a weekly message for free.
The downside to this is you can’t brand your emails they way you could from a custom email marketing provider (affiliate link), but you can still do some damage in terms of getting your message out there to your members.
The upside, Robert has events with ticket prices of over $1,000 and he sells a ton of them because of his group.  His LinkedIn group helps him achieve his event marketing goals, and it doesn’t cost a dime.  Tough sell, eh?

6.  Create Auto-Responder Email

This is a no-brainer.  Who wants to send a message one-by-one to someone every time they join a group?  Not me, that would take hours of management time every week.  LinkedIn was wise enough to make this easy for the group managers by enabling a welcome message.  Every time someone joins, you can send your own automatic message that delivers to their email account (not their LinkedIn account, but their actual email provider).
This means that you can create a decent sales funnel by first welcoming people to the group, telling them a little about how the group can benefit them and where they can go to get more information.  Hopefully you have them sign up for your newsletter, or connect with you on other social networking sites.  This will help you generate sales in the long run… if you set it up correctly.

7.  Lead Generator

The more you give, the more you will receive.  Dr. Robert Cialdini talks to us about the proven power of reciprocity in his best selling book Influence, and it holds true within a LinkedIn group as well (on LinkedIn, or any other social networking site for that matter).
Connecting people, providing job leads, referrals, valuable content to help them achieve their goals: these are things that you can give to people, and by doing so they will give you an abundance of leads (or whatever it is you need in your business) in return.  It has happened to me, and a number of other group owners who are “doing it right”, and it will also happen for you.

8.  Creating Sub Groups

Want to target people in various locations around the world, or sub niches within a niche?  LinkedIn allows you to create up to 10 subgroups.  It’s a great way to throw events all around the country and only have to send a message out to the subgroup, as opposed to the entire group about a regional event.  Make sure you take advantage of this feature (in an ethical manner of course).

9.  Managing Content

If people are posting MLM type content, or someone is using foul language or attacking others in an unproductive way, you have the ability to remove individuals or delete inappropriate content.  Simple as that.  If it isn’t helping the community, you have the power to make it better.

10.  Helping Others

Ultimately, every good leader helps his team or community rise to the top.  I’m sure 99% of group owners have their own agenda when creating a group, but the more they focus on helping it’s members achieve their goals, that group owner will achieve their goals as well.  It feels good to have the opportunity to help others.  LinkedIn helps us everyday by letting us see how we are connected to one another, and allows us to build stronger, more meaningful relationships.  Let’s face it, business (and life) is about all about the relationships we have, right?
In closing, LinkedIn is a powerful platform to help you achieve your business goals, and the groups aspect is a vital part to helping you achieve those goals faster and in a more meaningful way.  Be willing to take some time to better understand them, as you may find a new way to help yourself, or others, by using them each day.

Why Should Connect Everyone to LInkedin

1. To be found an contacted by more professionals:
Increasing your 1st degree network grows your your 2nd and 3rd degree by millions more people.
2. To drive more traffic to your site:
Any time you update your status or profile, it shows up on the homepage of everyone you are connected to.  More connections = more eyeballs.
3. To generate a TON more leads:
Simple.  More connections = more potential leads
4.  To build your database:
Your database is one of your most valuable assets in business.  LinkedIn allows you to export your contacts (the other “top social networking sites” don’t).
5. To create more opportunities:
So many more opportunities come in that normally wouldn’t  because you are on the “top of mind” for people who might not know you that well (as opposed to the close network of people you already know).
6. To build thought leadership:
The more people you connect with, inspire, help, and influence, the bigger impact you will have on the world.  This creates the potential for more recommendations, more referrals, and a bigger platform as a thought leader in your niche.
Do you connect with everyone who sends you an invite, or do you only add those you know very well?  What are some other reason for connecting with everyone, or not connecting with everyone?

5 Keys To Rank On LinkedIn

5 Keys To Rank #1 On LinkedIn
This is a simple process to rank on the first page of search results in the “people search” section on LinkedIn.  Although this doesn’t work every time, it works most of the time and I’ve seen it well over 100 times happen for people in real time.  There are five places you need to put your keywords when you use this strategy:
1.  Headline
Your headline is the first thing people see when they go to your LinkedIn profile, therefore (in my mind) it’s the most important or most relevant part.  If your headline doesn’t have your keywords in it, then you are missing the biggest section of the equation.
2.  Current Work Experience
Your current work experience is the next most relevant thing because it is what you are currently doing in business.
3.  Past Work Experience
You start to notice that this works in the top to bottom approach within your profile.  Start from the top, and working your way through your profile to the bottom.
4.  Summary
Your summary is the meat of your profile, or the body of your speech.  Make sure it looks clean and you don’t just add a line of key words next to each other or it won’t represent your personal brand well.
5.  Specialties
This is the section you want to add a number of different keywords to showcase your talents in short phrases.

There are a number of other reasons LinkedIn can help you improve your reach within your industry or niche, simply starting a LinkedIn group will help your build a loyal fan base of potential customers in no time.  Take advantage of this powerful site by optimizing your profile full of key words, then start using the other amazing features it has to take your brand or company to the next level.


1.  Complete Your Profile

Your profile is the heart and soul of your online business brand.  It usually ranks in the top 5 of Google search results for “Your First and Last Name”.  When others do a search for your name to learn about your product, service, company, or previous work experience, then you’d better have a rock solid profile or that first impression could drastically tarnish your value.  Make sure you fill out your profile 100% for starters, then go on from there to make it better.

2.  Connect With Everyone

A number of LinkedIn newbies or purists will say, “You should only connect with those you already know and trust, so you can make recommendations to others when they want an introduction.”  Believe me, I understand where these users are coming from, but how do you expect to expand your opportunities and options when you shut off communication to the rest of the 85 million plus members on LinkedIn?
Think about it, you already know all of the opportunities that your closest connections can share since you talk to them more frequently.  It’s time to use LinkedIn like a live networking event and introduce yourself to others, make new friends, and start helping more people connect.  Also, start accepting invitations to others who add you, as the more connections you have, the larger your expanded network grows which helps create more opportunities in the long run.  Here are six other reasons you should connect with everyone on LinkedIn.

3.  Customize Your Websites

This is a basic thing that everyone should do.  It’s simple.  Creating a call to action attracts more attention then having a generic link that says “My website”.  Make it look and sound sexier so when people come to your profile they feel inspired to click on your links and go back to your website.

4.  Be Compelling

I have a huge knot on my forehead from falling asleep on my desk in mid-browse when looking at LinkedIn profiles.  Most of them are extremely boring and showcase zero personality or compelling attributes.  Add an interesting story in your summary, have a video recommendation pop up in the first few seconds, or at the least tell people who you are, who you help, and how you help them so there is some direction for people when they land on your profile.  Whatever you do, liven it up a little so the bump on my forehead can go away .

5.  Recommend Others
I’m a firm believer in giving and helping others succeed as much as you possibly can.  The more you give, the more you will receive.  Recommending others without them asking you to is a great way to help increase the social proof on their profile, which could be the difference between an OK year, and a great year for them.
6.  Join Targeted Groups

LinkedIn groups, LinkedIn groups, LinkedIn groups!  It doesn’t matter what industry or business you are in, this the part of LinkedIn you should be focusing the most.  There are benefits to both joining and being a part of niche-related groups, and also being the owner of them.
I feel blessed to be the owner of many powerful groups.  Many have over 10,000 members, and one more than 32,000 members.  Think of them as independent social networks where you can spread your message, connect with key partners, and take your business to another level.  Want more? Here are my top 10 reasons to start a LinkedIngroup.

7.  Connect With Twitter

I sometimes find that I get more comments and interaction on LinkedIn from the same update I published on Twitter.  The updates (even when synced from Twitter) seem to “stay on top” longer than they would in your Twitter stream.  The more interaction you get, the more others see it as well (it’s similar to Facebook in this regard).
Make sure to connect your Twitter account to LinkedIn.  Others talk about why this is bad because a lot of your messaging won’t be targeted for your LinkedIn audience (especially when you use “@” symbols and hashtags), but for the most part, my message is staying at the top of mind for my connections on LinkedIn and for me that’s a powerful thing.  Want to clean things up?  Just use the #in with a Twitter update and it will sync to your LinkedIn account when there is a specific message you want members to see.

8.  Add Your Company Profile

LinkedIn is constantly enhancing its platform and one of the things that has been lagging, until recently, was the company page section.  Now, it allows you to add a video, share more information about your products and services, and give more insights about your company and the people working there.

9.  Optimize Your Search Ranking

People are constantly searching for others on LinkedIn.  They are looking for employee candidates, freelancers, industry experts, and so on.  Why not optimize your profile to help you be found and contacted by more people looking for what you specialize in?  Wouldn’t it be nice to get a flood of people emailing or calling you to sign up for your services or products?  Make sure you increase yourranking on LinkedIn by following these 5 steps.

10.  Add Advanced Applications

I love the fact that LinkedIn has rolled out a number of applications to help you promote your business or your personal work better.  It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, there is an application for everyone that can help you get your message across better, and improve the overall experience of your LinkedIn profile.  Go to the applications section on your profile to see which ones you could start using today, and make the most out of the new ones that come out in the future.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Invite all your facebook friends like your facebook page

STEP 1: While logged in on your personal profile, Facebook and click on "Build Audience" on the top right side of the Facebook page you admin and the click "Invite Friends" button.
NOTE: you need to be logged in as your personal profile while accessing the page. If you don't see the option to "Invite Friends", from your personal FB acount type your page's URL directly into the browser URL bar and go straight to it. That should make it possible to get to step 2.
STEP 2: Scroll down till it loads every single friend you have on your list. you have to keep scrolling down until it stops loading more.
NOTE: If you want to only invite specific people, you can chose from the filters that are available here before scrolling.
STEP 3: (In chrome), open the JavaScript console [CTRL + Shift + J] and paste the following EXACTLY AS IS,INCLUDING THE CURLY BRACKET AT THE END:
STEP 4: Press enter, and wait for it to send invites to everyone. 1,000 people, took about 30 seconds on my computer. It might take more or less time on yours.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

How to track facebook post

How to track facebook post  & twitter tweet  using google analytics:

go to url :

step  1: enter your all details as givne below image .

utm_source =facebook
utm_term=php training in virar

step 2:  then  you will get in  2)   code  for  tracking that is  given below example:

 step 3: now this url is too long  so  use  to short your url :

  enter your   copied  url  as above given and click on  SHORTEN URL

step 4: Then you will get url copy that url and make post on facebook  :

Monday, 19 June 2017

Lsi keywords

LSI Keywords Simple Yet Very Powerful:

What Are LSI Keywords?

This is just a SEO term for related, similar or synonyms words. Before this term has came into picture the only thing to determine relevancy of article was keyword density. Which means if your post is about “abc” and you have used it 10 times throughout the article than your competitor needs to use it 11 time to beat your position in Google search, but let me ask you, is it fair?? Same Thing applies for search engine, instead of taking high keyword density into consideration, search engine bot looks for related keywords (Latent semantic indexing keywords) throughout the article. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t maintain keyword density for target keyword in our article, but over optimization can cause issues. I usually keep it between 1- 3 %.
LSI makes a lot of sense too. For example – Search engine discovers a page with the word “Apple” on it, how does it differentiate whether the Apple is a fruit, Apple is a brand or Apple is name of any pet? It uses Latent semantic indexing keywords, if there are words like fruit, taste, flavor in the article then it would be easy for search engine to determine that the article is all about the “Apple fruit”. Hence in this example fruit, taste and flavor can be termed as LSI keywords for keyword “Apple”.


Search engines like Google are always looking for a relevant most content for a particular search query. It’s really a tough task for a search engine to determine what the content is all about, it uses LSI terms to judge the relevancy of an article or a webpage. For our understanding we can say that using them increases the ranking in search engine but the actual process is much more complex and difficult to comprehend.
Let’s not divert from the point, we were talking about the kind of words or terms it expects in the content (The use of LSI keywords are not only limited to content it has few other useful usage, which can skyrocket your ranking, more on it in the next section)
let’s say: the particular content is about “on page SEO” so the following terms  can be found in the content. You can call them LSI keywords for main keyword On page SEO
on page optimization
on page seo factors
off page seo techniques
on page seo techniques
on page seo checklist

Research: How To Find LSI Keywords?

LSI Keywords Tools

1) Google search –
Note: In the images below, you would find that the watermark text is:, it is because when this post was published back in 2012, the site name was, it has been changed to since 2013.

As you can see, one of the best and free tool to find LSI is the Google search itself. When you write a key term in search query field, it automatically fetches and shows the keywords related to the particular query.
Same can be viewed in the search results –


 Where to use LSI?
Use of Related Keywords (LSI) for On Page SEO
Place to use:
1.    In content, title, heading, highlighted words (As per the need and stay away from over optimization).
2.    Can be used as an anchor text while interlinking to a particular post/page – Use the LSI keywords to vary things rather than using the same anchor text over and over again.
3.    Can also be used as external links anchor text.
Latent semantic indexing keywords became one of the Google ranking factors because, to Google it looks much more natural to use related keywords instead of repeating the same keyword over and over again.
Keyword stuffing, or repeating the same keyword over and over on your page in order to rank well doesn’t work, like it used to work before. It can actually get you in trouble these days because it looks manipulative, fake and spammy.
Using latent semantic indexing keywords for on page SEO is quite simple. I already carried out it here. My target keyword for this post is LSI Keywords. I have used it in important places like title, headings and meta description. I have used related terms like Latent Semantic Indexing, link building, on page SEO  and search engine. Even word “related keywords” is a related keyword.
Use of Related Keywords (LSI) for Off Page SEO
While building backlinks, Mix up your anchors. Use Latent semantic indexing keywords as well as your target keyword in anchor text.
Use LSI keywords while commenting on other blogs of same niche,  through it’s hard because most of the blogs doesn’t allow keywords in name field. Better option is to go for comment Luv enabled blogs, which can give you a quality dofollow link.
Before winding up the post, I just want to share few tips, which works even after Panda and Penguin.
·        Don’t build thousands of links overnight, instead try to build few quality backlinks daily. It will be good for SEO, which can help you to achieve good page rank. At the same time help you to rank better for the particular keyword used in anchor.
·        Write a quality content and use related keywords throughout the article.
·        Use Target keyword in title, Header tags and in meta description.
·        Maintain a keyword density of 1-3% for focus keyword and try to do the same for other related keywords.
·        Build Good connection with other bloggers, by giving few quality comments on their articles.

Keyword proximity

What is Keyword Proximity?

Keyword proximity refers to closeness of keywords. Your keywords should be close to each other in content of web page. Many people don’t know about keywords. They generally treats key phrases as a keyword. Usually we do not target keyword.
For example: This post is related to “Keyword Proximity”. The word “Keyword Proximity” is not a key word. It is a key phrase. Here “Keyword” is a one keyword and “Proximity” is another keyword.
To make proximity higher you should use both keywords in you content.
Example of “Keyword Proximity”: Keeping your keywords close to each other helps to increase proximity. Here you can see that I am using keyword (Actually key phrase) “Keyword Proximity” in isolated form. Distance between “Keyword” and “Proximity” should be less to make proximity higher. Using your keywords again and again in content is not a good practice. It is called “Keyword Stuffing”. That’s why we should use main keyword in its original form and in isolated form too.

Keyword proximity in SEO refers to how close together keywords are to one another, or to another element on the website. There is a real art to nailing down keyword proximity within a body of text. The goal really isn’t to have all of your keywords within a close proximity, but it definitely is something to consider. One common piece of advice you will find is that the closer your key phrase is together within a piece of content, the more relevant that page might be Googlebot for that particular keyword or key phrase.

Keyword proximity: In given below  example we illustrate the difference between a close keyword proximity, and a far keyword proximity
Close Proximity
Our company provides some of the best  iPhone  cases in india
Far  Proximity
We provide the some best  phone cases  in india ,for manufactures  such as iphone,Android  & more…

Always use your thinking cap when it comes to these principles of SEO. Don’t overdo it. If we are targeting the keyword “SEO” don’t do something like “SEO SEO SEO SEO SEO” and think you are getting 5x the keyword proximity points because you strung them all together.
Keyword prominence refers to how visually eye-catching a keyword is within a website. A keyword in the same exact font / format as the rest of the website won’t be nearly as prominent as a keyword bolded and within a link anchor. There aren’t any official rules to follow when considering keyword prominence, but it is something you should consider when designing your on-page SEO strategy.

In this illustration we display 2 identical blocks of text. The first block has no prominent keywords. The second block has keywords with bold / red text which we would consider very prominent.

There are a variety of different ways to make your keywords stand out (or more prominent) within an HTML document or website. A few of our favorite examples are:
bolding, italicizing, or underlining text
adding color or background color to text
using the h1-h6 tag
embedding the link within an unordered or ordered list
a combination of any of the above
As with anything in SEO, don’t go overboard. You don’t want to make your text seem ridiculous or unbelievable. You also don’t want your keywords to stick out too much for this. Another example of keyword prominence is when you are referring to anchor text or Hx tags in SEO. The reason why it is so important to have keywords within your H1, H2, etc tags is because Hx tags are very prominent, in most cases larger than the rest of the body of text. The same can also be said for un-ordered lists, italicized text, anchor text, and other styles.

Keyword Desnisty

What is Keyword Density   ?
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization, keyword density can be used to determine whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.
How do you calculate keyword density?

To calculate keyword density in its simplest form, you divide the number of times that you have used a specific keyword by the total number of words in the text that you are analyzing and multiply the result by one hundred to achieve your percentage.

Keyword  Density  checker tools:

keyword guidance

Understanding Keywords:
A keyword is generally a word or phrase that is a topic of significance. Searchers use keywords as a way to identify and verbalize their problem or topic in which they're looking for more information. Businesses create content around relevant topics to their business which helps them rank and be the content in which searchers find.
Google Adwords “keyword planner “ tool can help you manage and keep track of keywords that are important to your business.

(1) Discover new keywords.

Start by searching words or phrases related to your products or services. Keyword Planner works to find the keywords that are most relevant to your business which you can then choose to add to your plan.

(2) Compare keywords trends.

Get suggested bid estimates and see how often keywords are searched and how their search volume changes over time. That way, you can narrow down your keyword list and set your budget for the keywords you really want.

Why do you need keywords?

·        Keywords are the foundation of your website content. The topic of every page and what it is about should tie directly back to a keyword or keyword phrase. Since keywords are topics, they are also prevalent when creating offers and emails.
·        Keywords help visitors and potential customers understand the purpose of your page. When reading the content of the page, a visitor will often scan for the keywords they searched for.
·        Keywords help search engines understand the purpose of your page. When a search engine crawls your website pages to index them it will parse the keywords on the page to determine the purpose of your pages.

What are the different types of keywords?

Why do you need keywords?

·        Keywords are the foundation of your website content. The topic of every page and what it is about should tie directly back to a keyword or keyword phrase. Since keywords are topics, they are also prevalent when creating offers and emails.
·        Keywords help visitors and potential customers understand the purpose of your page. When reading the content of the page, a visitor will often scan for the keywords they searched for.
·        Keywords help search engines understand the purpose of your page. When a search engine crawls your website pages to index them it will parse the keywords on the page to determine the purpose of your pages.

What are the different types of keywords?

There are two different types of keywords: broad keywords and long-tail keywords. Broad keywords are short words or phrases that, while they may apply to your own industry and company, they might also apply to every company in your industry or even to those in other industries. Long-tail keywords tend to be longer words or phrases that are more specific to your company or industry

Inbound Marketing  software
Commercial  real state loans

LSI Keywords Simple Yet Very Powerful:

What Are LSI Keywords?

This is just a SEO term for related, similar or synonyms words. Before this term has came into picture the only thing to determine relevancy of article was keyword density. Which means if your post is about “abc” and you have used it 10 times throughout the article than your competitor needs to use it 11 time to beat your position in Google search, but let me ask you, is it fair?? Same Thing applies for search engine, instead of taking high keyword density into consideration, search engine bot looks for related keywords (Latent semantic indexing keywords) throughout the article. It doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t maintain keyword density for target keyword in our article, but over optimization can cause issues. I usually keep it between 1- 3 %.
LSI makes a lot of sense too. For example – Search engine discovers a page with the word “Apple” on it, how does it differentiate whether the Apple is a fruit, Apple is a brand or Apple is name of any pet? It uses Latent semantic indexing keywords, if there are words like fruit, taste, flavor in the article then it would be easy for search engine to determine that the article is all about the “Apple fruit”. Hence in this example fruit, taste and flavor can be termed as LSI keywords for keyword “Apple”.


Search engines like Google are always looking for a relevant most content for a particular search query. It’s really a tough task for a search engine to determine what the content is all about, it uses LSI terms to judge the relevancy of an article or a webpage. For our understanding we can say that using them increases the ranking in search engine but the actual process is much more complex and difficult to comprehend.
Let’s not divert from the point, we were talking about the kind of words or terms it expects in the content (The use of LSI keywords are not only limited to content it has few other useful usage, which can skyrocket your ranking, more on it in the next section)
let’s say: the particular content is about “on page SEO” so the following terms  can be found in the content. You can call them LSI keywords for main keyword On page SEO
on page optimization
on page seo factors
off page seo techniques
on page seo techniques
on page seo checklist

Research: How to find LSI keywords?

LSI keywords tools

1) Google search –
Note: In the images below, you would find that the watermark text is:, it is because when this post was published back in 2012, the site name was, it has been changed to since 2013.

As you can see, one of the best and free tool to find LSI is the Google search itself. When you write a key term in search query field, it automatically fetches and shows the keywords related to the particular query.
Same can be viewed in the search results –


 Where to use LSI?
Use of Related Keywords (LSI) for On Page SEO
Place to use:
1.    In content, title, heading, highlighted words (As per the need and stay away from over optimization).
2.    Can be used as an anchor text while interlinking to a particular post/page – Use the LSI keywords to vary things rather than using the same anchor text over and over again.
3.    Can also be used as external links anchor text.
Latent semantic indexing keywords became one of the Google ranking factors because, to Google it looks much more natural to use related keywords instead of repeating the same keyword over and over again.
Keyword stuffing, or repeating the same keyword over and over on your page in order to rank well doesn’t work, like it used to work before. It can actually get you in trouble these days because it looks manipulative, fake and spammy.
Using latent semantic indexing keywords for on page SEO is quite simple. I already carried out it here. My target keyword for this post is LSI Keywords. I have used it in important places like title, headings and meta description. I have used related terms like Latent Semantic Indexing, link building, on page SEO  and search engine. Even word “related keywords” is a related keyword.
Use of Related Keywords (LSI) for Off Page SEO
While building backlinks, Mix up your anchors. Use Latent semantic indexing keywords as well as your target keyword in anchor text.
Use LSI keywords while commenting on other blogs of same niche,  through it’s hard because most of the blogs doesn’t allow keywords in name field. Better option is to go for comment Luv enabled blogs, which can give you a quality dofollow link.
Before winding up the post, I just want to share few tips, which works even after Panda and Penguin.
·        Don’t build thousands of links overnight, instead try to build few quality backlinks daily. It will be good for SEO, which can help you to achieve good page rank. At the same time help you to rank better for the particular keyword used in anchor.
·        Write a quality content and use related keywords throughout the article.
·        Use Target keyword in title, Header tags and in meta description.
·        Maintain a keyword density of 1-3% for focus keyword and try to do the same for other related keywords.
·        Build Good connection with other bloggers, by giving few quality comments on their articles.

Where to use your Keywords:
In search engine optimization, there are some basic elements that help makes the site stronger and these are  things that you want to do to your website as well, to make your website stronger and make it stronger than the competition.
The first thing you want to look at is your on-site SEO elements. We will discuss this more when we go into the SEO basics topic. The first thing is where you use these keywords in your pages. The number one where you have to have your keyword is in the Title of your website, it appears at the top of the page, critically important that your keyword is in that title. You need to have your keywords in the heading or H1 tags, description, and there are other places where you need to have your keywords and depend upon the density of the keywords, how many you have in the page and it depends on the keyword placement and keyword proximity.
Keywords are also used for the off-site SEO elements. Off-site SEO elements are how many links do you have, how many other websites are pointing to you and have a link to your website and they also give all of those pages a PageRank from 1 to 10 and if you get a link from a website with a PageRank of 0, that is not incredibly helpful, it is better than nothing but it is not nearly as good as having a link from a site that has a PageRank of 6 or higher. That will give you much more clout from having backlinks from those kinds of sites.  

Keyword density is the percentage of times akeyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization, keyword density can be used to determine whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.
How do you calculate keyword density?
To calculate keyword density in its simplest form, you divide the number of times that you have used a specific keyword by the total number of words in the text that you are analyzing and multiply the result by one hundred to achieve your percentage.

Keyword proximity refers to closeness of keywords. Your keywords should be close to each other in content of web page. Many people don’t know about keywords. They generally treats key phrases as a keyword. Usually we do not target keyword.
For example: This post is related to “Keyword Proximity”. The word “Keyword Proximity” is not a key word. It is a key phrase. Here “Keyword” is a one keyword and “Proximity” is another keyword.
To make proximity higher you should use both keywords in you content.
Example of “Keyword Proximity”: Keeping your keywords close to each other helps to increase proximity. Here you can see that I am using keyword (Actually key phrase) “Keyword Proximity” in isolated form. Distance between “Keyword” and “Proximity” should be less to make proximity higher. Using your keywords again and again in content is not a good practice. It is called “Keyword Stuffing”. That’s why we should use main keyword in its original form and in isolated form too.

Keyword proximity in SEO refers to how close together keywords are to one another, or to another element on the website. There is a real art to nailing down keyword proximity within a body of text. The goal really isn’t to have all of your keywords within a close proximity, but it definitely is something to consider. One common piece of advice you will find is that the closer your key phrase is together within a piece of content, the more relevant that page might be Googlebot for that particular keyword or key phrase.

Keyword proximity: In given below  example we illustrate the difference between a close keyword proximity, and a far keyword proximity
Close Proximity
Our company provides some of the best  iPhone  cases in india
Far  Proximity
We provide the some best  phone cases  in india ,for manufactures  such as iphone,Android  & more…
Always use your thinking cap when it comes to these principles of SEO. Don’t overdo it. If we are targeting the keyword “SEO” don’t do something like “SEO SEO SEO SEO SEO” and think you are getting 5x the keyword proximity points because you strung them all together.
Keyword prominence refers to how visually eye-catching a keyword is within a website. A keyword in the same exact font / format as the rest of the website won’t be nearly as prominent as a keyword bolded and within a link anchor. There aren’t any official rules to follow when considering keyword prominence, but it is something you should consider when designing your on-page SEO strategy.

There are a variety of different ways to make your keywords stand out (or more prominent) within an HTML document or website. A few of our favorite examples are:
§  bolding, italicizing, or underlining text
§  adding color or background color to text
§  using the h1-h6 tag
§  embedding the link within an unordered or ordered list
§  a combination of any of the above
As with anything in SEO, don’t go overboard. You don’t want to make your text seem ridiculous or unbelievable. You also don’t want your keywords to stick out too much for this. Another example of keyword prominence is when you are referring to anchor text or Hx tags in SEO. The reason why it is so important to have keywords within your H1, H2, etc tags is because Hx tags are very prominent, in most cases larger than the rest of the body of text. The same can also be said for un-ordered lists, italicized text, anchor text, and other styles.

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